
Version (14.8 KB) by Todd
Communicate with a Lakeshore 335 temperature controller using GPIB
Updated 5 Nov 2014

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This matlab toolbox contains scripts for communicating with a Lakeshore model 335 temperature controller. The functions are built from rather simple implementations of GPIB commands. The manual for the Lakeshore
controller is available at
This package is used for the Fu lab at University of Washington to setup our magnetic cryostat and reliquifier. The cryostat is a Janis model 7THL-SOM2-11 Split superconducting magnet system. The reliquifier is a Cryomech PT410 remote motor helium reliquifier.

This package will also be useful if you just need to control a Lakeshore Model 335 for other purposes.

Cite As

Todd (2024). lakeshore (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved .

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Created with R2013a
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