colorSpectrum: Create N Distinct Plot Colors

Version (1.39 KB) by Kirk
Creates N distinct three-element RPB vectors for plotting
Updated 4 Dec 2013

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For a consistent plot lines coloring scheme. Returns a color spectrum from red to green to blue. Avoids colors that are hard to see in matlab plots, such as yellow and cyan.

Three Easy Directions:
Obtain N curves or lines to plot: Data.
Type: C = colorSpectrum(N);
Plot: figure,hold on,for i = 1:N,plot(Data(i,:),'Color',C(i,:)),end,hold off

Cite As

Kirk (2024). colorSpectrum: Create N Distinct Plot Colors (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved .

MATLAB Release Compatibility
Created with R2013a
Compatible with any release
Platform Compatibility
Windows macOS Linux
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Inspired: Maximally Distinct Color Generator

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Version Published Release Notes

Made some corrections in comments and description.

Fixed small typo