5 ways to Solve IVP ODEs in MATLAB

The scripts show 5 ways of solving IVP ODEs in MATLAB environment
Updated 20 Dec 2011

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Solving IVP ODEs using Symbolic MATH "dsolve", Laplace Transforms and MuPAD for analytic solutions and ODE45, ODE113 and Simulink for numeric solutions of the given 2nd order ODE is shown in this script.
To execute the files PUT all 3 files in MATLAB current directory and execute the *.m file called IVP_ODEsols_5_ways.m

Cite As

Sulaymon Eshkabilov (2024). 5 ways to Solve IVP ODEs in MATLAB (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/34268-5-ways-to-solve-ivp-odes-in-matlab), MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved .

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