
Analyzes fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) data using the Hankel transform method.
Updated 13 Nov 2010

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frap_analysis is a program to analyze data from photobleaching experiments performed on a 2D system, e.g. a supported lipid bilayer. The program is based on the Hankel transform method presented by Jönsson et al. (Biophys. J. 95, 5334-5348 (2008)).

The data needed for the analysis is (i) a .tif-stack containing a pre-bleach image and images of the recovery (the bleached spot should be approximately circular), (ii) the time between two frames, and (iii) the pixel size in the images. The program also compensates for temporal fluctuations and changes in the intensity during the recovery (e.g. bleaching of the sample).

See the quick guide for detailed information on how to analyze the recovery data using frap_analysis.

Cite As

Peter Jönsson (2025). frap_analysis (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved .

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