Generalized Extreme Values (GEV) distribution

Version 1.1 (135 KB) by E. Cheynet
The GEV distribution is calculated with and without the Matlab statistical toolbox for wind data
Updated 30 Jan 2023

Short introduction to the Generalized Extreme Values (GEV) distribution

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J. W. Holmes proposes an introduction to the Generalized Extreme Values (GEV) distribution, with application for extreme wind velocities in his book: "Wind loading of structures" [1]. The present submision reproduces some the examples given in [1], with and without the Matlab statistics toolbox [2].


The present submission contains:

• 2 functions fitGEV.m and mygevcdf.m

• One Matlab Livescript file Documentation.mlx, which reproduces some of the results given in [1]

• One .mat file EastSale.m


[1] Holmes, J. D. (2015). Wind loading of structures. CRC Press.


Cite As

E. Cheynet (2024). Generalized Extreme Values (GEV) distribution (, GitHub. Retrieved .

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