
Version 1.0.0 (1.24 MB) by Temo Vekua
Live Script contains simulations and visualizations of quantum mechanics problems such as: double slit experiment and scattering problem of
Updated 5 Apr 2024


MATLAB® Live Script contains simulations and visualizations of quantum mechanics problems such as: double slit experiment and scattering problem of two quantum particles, providing examples on how computation can help teaching/ studying fundamentals of quantum mechanics. These two problems covered in the Live script are computationally similar, but conceptually different problems: simulating dynamics of a quantum particle in two dimensions (2D) and simulating scattering of two interacting particles off each-other in 1D. In Appendix analytical derivation of 1D scattering length is presented for bosons interacting with contact delta-function potential. The first part of this Live script is a mixture of quantum mechanics basics that lead to simulations of a single paricle's wavefunction's time evolution in a double-slit geometry. To reduce computational complexity we consider a 2D case. Note that this is not an unrealistic situation; for example in experiments on ultracold quantum gases geometrically constrained systems (icluding 2D and 1D systems) are often realized. The second part of the Live script is dedicated to the basics of many-body quantum mechanics, leading to the simulation of the dynamics of two interacting particles in 1D. Live script is organized in sections and is self explanatory.


To Run: Download the Live script and run section by section.

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Requires MATLAB release R2020a or newer

Cite As

Temo Vekua (2024). Double-Slit-and-Scattering-Two-Quantum-Particles (, GitHub. Retrieved .

MATLAB Release Compatibility
Created with R2022b
Compatible with any release
Platform Compatibility
Windows macOS Linux
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