Water Conductivity & Specific Heat by Temperature

Version 1.0.0 (1.73 KB) by Sarah
Given a temperature, outputs the saturated water conductivity and specific heat.
Updated 10 Dec 2022

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Values from Table A-6 in Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer, 7th Ed, Bergman.
Any temperature is valid to input, but conductivity and specific heat will only be accurate within the range of 273.15K - 647.3K. If temperature is below 273.15K or above 647.3K, this code will output the values for 273.15K or 647.3K respectively.

Cite As

Sarah Hempton (2022). Water Conductivity & Specific Heat by Temperature (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/<...>), MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved December 10, 2022.

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Created with R2021b
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