HRV Artifact Correction

Version 1.0.3 (134 KB) by Spectro
Heart rate variability time series artifact correction
Updated 10 Mar 2022
HRV time series artifact correction
Heart rate variability (HRV) is a standard metric for assessing autonomic nervous system function, psychophysiological stress, and exercise intensity and recovery. Extra, missing, or misaligned beat detections in HRV measurements can cause severe distortion in HRV analysis.
This repository contains MATLAB code for HRV time series artifact correction based on NeuroKit implementation. The correction algorithm proposed by Lipponen et al. (2019) uses time-varying thresholds calculated from the distribution of successive RR-interval discrepancies paired with a unique beat categorization methodology.
The function fixpeaks() has been provided to perform peak correction directly on data stored in MATLAB. The function can be used as follows:
% Load your file containing indices of detected R waves, for example
% peak.txt or use your variable that contains them
load peaks.txt
% Call the main function fixpeaks()
[artifacts, peaks_clean] = fixpeaks(peaks, 500, true, true);
If the last argument show in the function is set to true, the detected artifacts and subspaces described in proposed algorithm by Lipponen et al. (2019) are then visualized. Further input arguments are described in the function itself.

Cite As

Marek Sokol (2022). HRV artifact correction (, GitHub. Retrieved March 10, 2022.

MATLAB Release Compatibility
Created with R2022a
Compatible with any release
Platform Compatibility
Windows macOS Linux

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