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Open an ethernet connection

30 views (last 30 days)
dsq dq
dsq dq on 30 Jul 2021
Answered: dsq dq on 17 Aug 2021
Hey everyone ! :)
I am currently trying to open an Ethernet connection with matlab. Because I'm quite new in Matlab programming, my program is not working. Here is what I've done :
t = tcpclient("", 2049);
message_to_send = "11009¶1¶1";
data = read(t,10);
clear t;
I know the message to send is quite strange, but this is the logic of the external device. I'm 100 % sure that the IP adress and the port number are good. I tried to open the connection with Putty and it worked well, but now I'm trying with Matlab it timeout when it's supposed to read the data from the external device. Is my program wrong or I'm stupid and my error is somewhere else ?
Thanks you very much in advance !

Answers (1)

dsq dq
dsq dq on 17 Aug 2021
Hey everyone,
I'm back from vacation and now I've got this :
IP= '';
port = 2049;
tcpipObj=tcpip(IP, port);
tcpipObj.Terminator = 'CR/LF';
A = fread(tcpipObj,500,'char') ;
A = char (A);
The external device answer, but it takes to much time and I have this warning :
'Warning: The specified amount of data was not returned within the Timeout period.
'tcpip' unable to read all requested data. For more information on possible reasons, see TCPIP Read Warnings. '
I didn't find the solution on Internet and I really know why ... Nobody knows how to fix it ? :(


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