Giving certain pixels a colour

1 view (last 30 days)
med-sweng on 1 Oct 2013
Edited: med-sweng on 1 Oct 2013
For an image I have, how can I do the following in MATLAB?
- Giving the pixels with values 100 for instance the colour green
Giving all pixels except those with values `255` and `0` the colour `green`
- Leaving the pixels with 0 as is. That is, keeping them black
- Giving all other pixels the colour red
Giving those pixels with value `255` the colour `red`

Answers (1)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 1 Oct 2013
If the image is not grayscale, then what do you mean by "pixels with values 100"??? So, if it's RGB, do you want to replace only pixels with value (100,100,100) - in other words, 100 in every single color channel? That probably won't happen too often unless you have a synthetic (created) image.
  1 Comment
med-sweng on 1 Oct 2013
@Image Analyst. I have converted the image into grayscale. Say that the white pixels have the value `255`. For those, I want to assign them the 'red` colour, and for all other pixels, I want to assign them the colour `green`. How can I do that? Thanks

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