want to display the x value of the maximum in my graph?

14 views (last 30 days)
for the code below i want to display the maximum value of x on the graph can anyone please let me know thanks?
[GC,GR]=groupcounts (VarName8); % taking values from the excel sheet
area=table(GC, GR); % all areas with the number of trips to each have been totaled in this table in random order
sorted_area=sortrows(area,-1); % sorting the area and number of trips in a descending order
plot(GR,GC,'Linewidth',1.2,'color','b'); xlabel('Area Number'); ylabel('Total Trips');
grid on
hold on
plot(GR(index),GC(index),'r*'); text(GR(index),GC(index),'\leftarrow Maximum')

Accepted Answer

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 13 Jun 2021
Try this:
x=[1 2 3 4 5 6];
y=[5 6 7 6 5 4];
[highest,index] = max(y)
plot(x,y); text(x(index), y(index), '\leftarrow')
ylim([4, 8]);
grid on;
caption = sprintf(' maximum point at (x,y) = (%.1f, %.1f)', x(index), highest);
text(x(index), y(index), caption, 'FontSize', 12, 'Color', 'r', 'FontWeight', 'bold');
Adam Danz
Adam Danz on 13 Jun 2021
You could insert the arrow directly within the label rather than plotting the arrow and label separately and starting the label with empty space.
x=[1 2 3 4 5 6];
y=[5 6 7 6 5 4];
[highest,index] = max(y);
ylim([4, 8]);
grid on;
caption = sprintf('maximum point at (x,y) = (%.1f, %.1f)', x(index), highest);
text(x(index), y(index), [' \leftarrow ',caption], 'FontSize', 8.5, 'Color', 'r', 'FontWeight', 'bold');

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