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Backward and Central Difference

2 views (last 30 days)
Anna Lin
Anna Lin on 11 Jun 2021
Commented: Anna Lin on 12 Jun 2021
Given that x =10 and delta_x = 0.4,
Is there a better way of writing this code?
x = 10;
delta_x = 0.4;
backward_difference = ((2*f(x)-5*f(x-dx)+4*f(x-2*dx)-f(x-3*dx))/dx^2);
central_difference = (-f(x+2*dx)+16*f(x+dx)-30*f(x)+16*f(x-dx)-f(x-2*dx))/(12*(dx^2));
Joseph Cheng
Joseph Cheng on 11 Jun 2021
Edited: Joseph Cheng on 11 Jun 2021
Have you already defined "f" as an anonymous function or symbolic function? Otherwise if "f" is an array you would be indexing "f" in a non-integer value
Anna Lin
Anna Lin on 11 Jun 2021
Yes, I have already defined f as an anonymous function.
f=@(x) x.^3+sin(x)

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Accepted Answer

J. Alex Lee
J. Alex Lee on 11 Jun 2021
I guess the answer depends what you want to do with those finite difference approximations. If you want to use it in an algorithm to solve ODEs, your strategy won't work because you don't a priori have a functional form.
This would be a typical matrix math way (assuming your coefficients are correct, i won't check)
cb = [-1,4,-5,2];
cc = [-1,16,-30,16,-1]/12;
fun = @(x) x.^3+sin(x);
funp = @(x) 3*x.^2 + cos(x);
funpp = @(x) 6*x - sin(x);
dx = 0.5;
x0 = 10;
% create stencils on x to define discrete f
xb = x0 - (3:-1:0)'*dx;
xc = x0 + (-2:2)'*dx;
% generate discrete f
fb = fun(xb);
fc = fun(xc);
% execute finite differences
fbpp = cb*fb/dx^2
fbpp = 60.5508
fcpp = cc*fc/dx^2
fcpp = 60.5437
backward_difference = ((2*fun(x0)-5*fun(x0-dx)+4*fun(x0-2*dx)-fun(x0-3*dx))/dx^2)
backward_difference = 60.5508
central_difference = (-fun(x0+2*dx)+16*fun(x0+dx)-30*fun(x0)+16*fun(x0-dx)-fun(x0-2*dx))/(12*(dx^2))
central_difference = 60.5437
fpp = funpp(x0)
fpp = 60.5440
J. Alex Lee
J. Alex Lee on 12 Jun 2021
it is not natural to order it that way (from right node to left note). But it should still work:
fun = @(x) x.^3+sin(x);
dx = 0.5;
x0 = 10;
cb = [2,-5,4,-1];
xb = x0 - (0:3)'*dx
xb = 4×1
10.0000 9.5000 9.0000 8.5000
fb = fun(xb);
fbpp = cb*fb/dx^2 % This will not be 60.5508
fbpp = 60.5508

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