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SQL query from Matlab

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Gurvinder on 18 Aug 2013
Hi i am trying to format my sqlstr going into mysql but can't seem to get the format correct using sprintf function
here is the code i am using:
TableType = char(PramTest); TableRow = char(DataSelection);
%TableType reurns the value of 'SPEC' and TableRow = '1'.
sqlStrtest= sprintf('select * from %s where id%s = %d', TableType, TableType, TableRow); disp(sqlStrtest)
This reurns the following:
select * from where idSPEC = 83select * from where idPEC = 49
What i need it to return is
select * from SPEC where idSPEC = 1
can you help me please in quiring a correct format.
thank you

Accepted Answer

the cyclist
the cyclist on 18 Aug 2013
Edited: the cyclist on 18 Aug 2013
Notice that
TableRow = '1';
and not
TableRow = 1;
TableRow is stored as a string, not a number, so that is how you should specify it in sprintf:
sqlStrtest= sprintf('select * from %s where id%s = %s', TableType, TableType, TableRow);
[See that I changed your %d to %s.]
You got the mysterious 49 because the number 1 is the 49th ASCII character.
Gurvinder on 18 Aug 2013
fantastic, thank you, is there an online tutorial which one can learn more about this from, the Matlab documents sometimes confuse me as i am very new to programming in general.
Thank you again
the cyclist
the cyclist on 18 Aug 2013
There are lots of resources online for learning MATLAB. Here is one good starting point:

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