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Ploting graph on matlab

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cikalekli on 18 May 2021
Edited: cikalekli on 19 May 2021
Hi I just want to plot this equation on matlab and plot the graph for finding the type of its graph too.
here is my code but it didn't work well:
clc, close all
t = 0:1:100000;
ic = -30000*t.*exp(-5000*t) + 6*exp(-5000*t);
plot(t, ic);
xlabel('\bf\it Time ', 'fontsize', (25)),
ylabel('\bf\it Amplitude', 'fontsize', (25)),

Accepted Answer

Star Strider
Star Strider on 18 May 2021
The function declines very rapidly, so use a different value for ‘t’
% t = 0:1:100000;
t = linspace(0, 2E-3, 500);
ic = -30000*t.*exp(-5000*t) + 6*exp(-5000*t);
plot(t, ic);
xlabel('\bf\it Time ', 'fontsize', (25)),
ylabel('\bf\it Amplitude', 'fontsize', (25)),
Also, the clf call immediately clears ‘figure(1)’ after creating it. The plot call regenerates it so nothing is actually lost, however it is inefficient to create it, clear it, then create it again.
cikalekli on 18 May 2021
Edited: cikalekli on 18 May 2021
You clearly demonstrated and answered perfectly all of my questions and I purely understood what you meant.
Yeah, now I've just seen that the curve has been set with 0 to 2ms I got it when you wrote this.
Please take care of yourself and I will continue working on my matlab skills after that :)
Thank you ^_^
Star Strider
Star Strider on 18 May 2021
Thank you!
As always, my pleasure! Please take good care of yourself as well!
You appear to be learning MATLAB quickly!

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