How to fix error : unrecognized token in Cuda code with nvcc compiler
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I wrote this simple code Cuda in Notepad, which I followed in example:
_global_ void add1( double * pi, double c ) { *pi += c; }
>>then I run it on command line in the current directory: nvcc I received error with a lot of line "error : unrecognized token"
I don't know what is it and how to fix it. Please help me! I use Cuda 5.0, GPU 720M with Cuda-capable 2.0 Thanks!
Accepted Answer
Ben Tordoff
on 26 Jul 2013
There are two problems with what you have attempted, one just a typo and the solution to the other will depend on what you are trying to do. First the typo: you are missing an underscore from each side of the global decorator - they should be double underscores:
__global__ void add1(double * pi, double c)
*pi += c;
Now the more important question: what are you trying to achieve? If you are trying to create a PTX file for use with parallel.gpu.CUDAKernel then you need to compile to PTX:
$ nvcc -ptx -arch=sm_20 <filename>.cu
which will procude <filename>.ptx. If you are trying to make a standalone executable then you need to also define a main function as you would for any C++ program.
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