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Frequency-Dependant Voltage Source

3 views (last 30 days)
Sven Koerner
Sven Koerner on 27 Apr 2021
Commented: Joel Van Sickel on 3 Jun 2021
Is there a block in Simulink or Simscaope to model a frequency controlled voltage source, with e.g. 100 V on each frequency from nominal frequency up to 100 kHz?

Answers (1)

Joel Van Sickel
Joel Van Sickel on 21 May 2021
Hello Sven,
you can either create it yourself as shown below, or use the programable voltage soucre in simscape electrical. It has the option to input the desired frequency if you open up its settings:
Sven Koerner
Sven Koerner on 28 May 2021
Dear Joel,
just tried your solution however, I need to combine the voltage source with a frequency dependent distributed power line block and it is probably not the same domain. Is there a chance to use an electrical voltage source to model the source and the line and analyse it with a powerful-block?
Joel Van Sickel
Joel Van Sickel on 3 Jun 2021
you can use the simulink model with a specialized power systems controlled voltage source as well. Both simscape and specialized power systems have frequency dependent transmissin lines.

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