For loop to multiple columns
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I have the following block of code:
%RSI Calculation
n = [14:2:18];
for i = 1:n
gainC = diff(ABC).*((diff(ABC))> 0);
lossC = -(diff(ABC)).*((diff(ABC)) < 0);
avg_gainC = movmean(gainC,[i-1 0],'omitnan');
avg_lossC = movmean(lossC,[i-1 0],'omitnan');
RS = (avg_gainC ./ avg_lossC);
ABC_RSI = 100 - (100 ./ (1+RS));
I need to know how I can create a table 'ABC_RSI' with the columns 14w_RSI, 16w_RSI, 18w_RSI and populated using the formula. Can someone please help?
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