I have made some measurements of acceleration of a floor slab and i have the acceleration as a function of time.
How can I plot the Acceleration as a function of Frequency, like the photo below?
I have been given a code where I get a plot of the "Singular Value [dB per unit]" vs "frequency ", but i am unsure what this Singular Value signifies.
Is it possible to plot the acceleration vs frequency ?
Ns = 2 * (Nf - 1);
yd = fftfilt1(y.', Ns, dt, 'detrend', 0);
yf=fftfilt1(yd, Ns, dt, 'decimate', r);
dtr = dt*r;
[num_channels,N] = size(yf);
df = 1/(N*dtr);
nf = N/2+1;
f = (0:nf-1)'*df;
Yf = fft(yf.');
Yf = Yf(1:nf,:).';
for i=1:nf
[Uf,Sf,Vf] = svd(Yf(:,i));
S(i,1) = Sf(1);
plot(f, 10*log10(S));
title('Sigular Value');
xlabel('Frequency [Hz]');
ylabel('Singular Value [dB per unit]');