Read 100 different digital files one by one

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As im working on steganography, i need to embed and extract 100 different files. How can i do it in a loop. Following is the main code
clear variables;
[dir_input, dir_output, dir_results] = steganography_init();
%@@ Output video, format and compression
%@@ 1 = Archival (.mj2)
%@@ 2 = Motion JPEG AVI (.avi)
%@@ 3 = Motion JPEG 2000 (.mj2)
%@@ 4 = MPEG-4 (.mp4)
%@@ 5 = Uncompressed AVI (.avi)
profile_type = 3;
%@@ Video quality
%@@ NOTE: Only applicable to Motion JPEG AVI and MPEG-4
output_quality = 75;
%@@ Choose algorithm: LSB, DCT, ZK, WDCT, Fusion, Egypt
%@@ (not case sensitive)
algorithm = 'DCT';
%@@ Frames to use from the video
frame_start = 0;
frame_max = 10;
%@@ Which colour channel to use (1=r, 2=g, 3=b)
channel = 3;
%@@ Which colour space to use ('rgb', 'hsv', 'ycbcr');
colourspace = 'rgb';
%@@ Whether the video is greyscale
use_greyscale = false;
%@@ Name of folder to store test results in
test_name = [algorithm, '_video'];
[dir_results_full, ~] = create_directory_unique([dir_results, test_name]);
output_csv_filename = [dir_results_full, test_name, '_results.csv'];
% Encode
% ======
%@@ Input video and output video. File extension is not required for output
%@@ because it is generated based upon the chosen format.
input_video_filename = [dir_input, 'D:\RA\Steganography-master\input\*.avi'];
output_video_filename_base = [dir_results_full, 'bunny_egypt'];
switch profile_type
case 1
profile = 'Archival';
output_video_profilename = 'ARCH';
output_video_ext = '.mj2';
case 2
profile = 'Motion JPEG AVI';
output_video_profilename = 'MJAVI';
output_video_ext = '.avi';
case 3
profile = 'Motion JPEG 2000';
output_video_profilename = 'MJ2k';
output_video_ext = '.mj2';
case 4
profile = 'MPEG-4';
output_video_profilename = 'MPEG4';
output_video_ext = '.mp4';
case 5
profile = 'Uncompressed AVI';
output_video_profilename = 'UnAVI';
output_video_ext = '.avi';
fprintf('Invalid profile_type\n');
output_video_filename = [output_video_filename_base, ' ', output_video_profilename, output_video_ext];
vout = VideoWriter(output_video_filename, profile);
if (frame_max <= frame_start)
frame_count = vin.NumberOfFrames - frame_start;
frame_count = min(vin.NumberOfFrames - frame_start, frame_max);
fps = vin.FrameRate;
width = vin.Width;
height = vin.Height;
% Load chosen algorithm defaults
algorithm = lower(algorithm);
switch algorithm
case 'lsb'
[secret_msg_bin] = steg_lsb_default(width, height, use_greyscale, '');
case 'dct'
[secret_msg_bin, frequency_coefficients, persistence] = steg_dct_default(width, height, use_greyscale, '');
case 'zk'
[secret_msg_bin, frequency_coefficients, variance_threshold, minimum_distance_encode, minimum_distance_decode] = steg_zk_default(width, height, use_greyscale, '');
case 'wdct'
[secret_msg_bin, frequency_coefficients, persistence, mode] = steg_wdct_default(width, height, use_greyscale, '');
case 'fusion'
[secret_msg_bin, alpha, mode] = steg_fusion_default(width, height, use_greyscale, '');
case 'egypt'
[secret_msg_bin, secret_msg_binimg, secret_msg_w, secret_msg_h, mode, block_size, pixel_size, is_binary] = steg_egypt_default(width, height, use_greyscale, '');
error('No such algorithm "%s" exists.', algorithm);
vprocess(1:frame_count) = struct('cdata', zeros(height, width, 3, 'uint8'), 'colormap', []);
% Log some things that we need for statistics at the end
encode_time_log = zeros(1, frame_count);
bits_written_log = zeros(1, frame_count);
if strcmp(algorithm, 'egypt')
% Create key1 and key2 for Egypt algorithm
keylength = secret_msg_w / block_size * secret_msg_h / block_size;
key1 = zeros(1, keylength, frame_count);
key2 = zeros(1, keylength, frame_count);
for num = 1:frame_count
fprintf('Processing frame %d of %d\n', num, frame_count);
frame = read(vin, frame_start + num);
frame_before = frame(:,:,channel);
frame = cs2cs(frame, 'rgb', colourspace);
if strcmp(colourspace, 'hsv')
framec = frame(:,:,channel) * 255;
framec = frame(:,:,channel);
% Encode
switch algorithm
case 'lsb'
[framec] = steg_lsb_encode(framec, secret_msg_bin);
case 'dct'
[framec, ~, ~] = steg_dct_encode(secret_msg_bin, framec, frequency_coefficients, persistence);
case 'zk'
[framec, bits_written_log(num), ~, ~, ~] = steg_zk_encode(secret_msg_bin, framec, frequency_coefficients, variance_threshold, minimum_distance_encode);
case 'wdct'
% WDCT only works on frame size of 16
framec_part = framec(1:floorx(height, 16), 1:floorx(width, 16));
[framec_part, ~] = steg_wdct_encode(framec_part, secret_msg_bin, mode, frequency_coefficients, persistence);
framec(1:floorx(height, 16), 1:floorx(width, 16)) = framec_part;
case 'fusion'
[framec, ~, ~] = steg_fusion_encode(framec, secret_msg_bin, alpha, mode);
case 'egypt'
[framec, key1(:,:,num), key2(:,:,num), ~, ~] = steg_egypt_encode(framec, secret_msg_binimg, mode, block_size, is_binary);
error('No such algorithm "%s" exists for encoding.', algorithm);
encode_time_log(num) = toc;
frame(:,:,channel) = framec;
frame = cs2cs(frame, colourspace, 'rgb');
frame_after = frame(:,:,channel);
frame = uint8(frame);
vprocess(num).cdata = frame;
% Choose video quality, if applicable
% Only works for Motion JPEG AVI and MPEG-4
if profile_type == 2 || profile_type == 4
vout.Quality = output_quality;
% If quality cannot be defined, set it to -1 for the logger
output_quality = -1;
% Write video to file
writeVideo(vout, vprocess);
fprintf('Video written\n');
% Decode
% ======
vin = VideoReader(output_video_filename);
frame_count = min(vin.NumberOfFrames, frame_max);
vin_original = VideoReader(input_video_filename);
iteration_data = zeros(7, frame_count);
for num = 1:frame_count
frame = read(vin, frame_start + num);
frame_original = read(vin_original, frame_start + num);
frame = cs2cs(frame, 'rgb', colourspace);
frame_original = cs2cs(frame_original, 'rgb', colourspace);
framec = frame(:,:,channel);
framec_original = frame_original(:,:,channel);
% Decode
switch algorithm
case 'lsb'
[extracted_msg_bin] = steg_lsb_decode(framec);
case 'dct'
[extracted_msg_bin] = steg_dct_decode(framec, frequency_coefficients);
case 'zk'
[extracted_msg_bin, ~, ~] = steg_zk_decode(framec, frequency_coefficients, minimum_distance_decode);
case 'wdct'
% WDCT only works on frame size of 16
framec_part = framec(1:floorx(height, 16), 1:floorx(width, 16));
[extracted_msg_bin] = steg_wdct_decode(framec_part, mode, frequency_coefficients);
case 'fusion'
[extracted_msg_bin] = steg_fusion_decode(framec, framec_original, mode);
case 'egypt'
[im_extracted, ~] = steg_egypt_decode(framec, secret_msg_w, secret_msg_h, key1(:,:,num), key2(:,:,num), mode, block_size, is_binary);
extracted_msg_bin = binimg2bin(im_extracted, pixel_size, 127);
error('No such algorithm "%s" exists for decoding.', algorithm);
decode_time = toc;
encode_time = encode_time_log(num);
extracted_msg_str = bin2str(extracted_msg_bin);
fprintf('Frame %d message: "%s"\n', num, extracted_msg_str);
% Calculate statistics
[length_bytes, msg_similarity_py, msg_similarity, im_psnr] = steganography_statistics(framec_original, framec, secret_msg_bin, extracted_msg_bin, encode_time, decode_time);
% Length in bytes for ZK is different because it varies depending upon
% the image, and so was logged during encoding and is recovered now.
if strcmp(algorithm, 'zk')
length_bytes = bits_written_log(num)/8;
% Store statistics for this iteration
iteration_data(((num - 1) * 7) + 1:((num - 1) * 7) + 1 + 6) = [output_quality, msg_similarity_py * 100, msg_similarity * 100, im_psnr, encode_time, decode_time, length_bytes];
% Save statistics to file
test_data_save(output_csv_filename, iteration_data');
fprintf('Saved results at: %s\n', output_csv_filename);
% Tell Matlab to actually close the handle to the video file, because no
% other method seems to work. Not "close(vin)", nor "clear mex".
clear vin
frame = cs2cs(frame, colourspace, 'rgb');
if strcmp(colourspace, 'hsv')
imshow(uint8(frame * 255));

Answers (2)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 20 Apr 2021
Edited: Walter Roberson on 20 Apr 2021
Do not use [] to splice together filenames. Use fullfile() instead.
For example,
input_video_filename = [dir_input, 'D:\RA\Steganography-master\input\*.avi'];
unless dir_input is empty, then you would be constructing a single character vector that might look something like
where you probably wanted
input_video_filename = fullfile(dir_input, '*.avi');
You use video_input_filename with hasdata(), but hasdata() is not defined for a character vector. It is defined for audioDatastore() objects, but you did not construct any data stores.

Al Anood Najeeb
Al Anood Najeeb on 20 Apr 2021
Yes, i used fullfile() and removed hasdata(), but it is showing too much arguments error.

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