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How do I check/verify that an array is a certain dimension?

15 views (last 30 days)
I have an array that is 1x2, but I am trying to ensure that the array MUST be 1x2 and not any smaller or larger. The array is made up of user inputs, [x,y], and I want to make sure they do not accidentally input just an X coordinate or Y coordinate. So far this is what I have. How can I ensure that they will be prompted to enter the values again until there are two values, one for x, and one for y.
What I have tried below is not working.
point = input('Please input a point [x,y]: ');
while size(point) ~= [1:2]
point = input('Please input a point [x,y]: ');

Accepted Answer

Matt J
Matt J on 20 Apr 2021
Edited: Matt J on 20 Apr 2021
while ~isequal(size(point),[1,2])
Matt J
Matt J on 20 Apr 2021
You're welcome, but please Accept-click the answer to indicate that that's the case.

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