While solving with ode15 i want to put to the limit to variable.

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In the code below, Value of (Crec + Ccells) must not exceed Rtot. and after limiting it, the ode must still solve the equations for other t. I need a graph as this.
clc; clear;
opts = odeset('stats','on');
C0 = [6.21E-6, 0, 0, 0, 0]; %Initial Values (umol)
tspan = 0:0.125:4400; %Time span
[t, C] = ode15s(@fn, tspan, C0, opts); %Solving ODEs in Function (fn)
C_mn = C(:,1);
C_ecm = C(:,2);
C_rec = C(:,3);
C_circ = C(:,4);
C_cells = C(:,5);
plot(t,C_mn,t,C_ecm,t,C_rec,t,C_circ,t,C_cells),grid on, grid minor
%ylim ([0 7E-6])
%xlim([0 4000])
xlabel('t (in s)'),ylabel('C (in umol/mm^3')
function dCdt = fn(t, C)
%Constant Parameters
Cmn0 = 6.21E-6; %Initial conc at the MN (umol/MN)
tr = 1.8E3; %release period (s)
ka = 5E6; %Association rate (in 1/s)
kd = 5E-4; %Dissociation rate (in 1/s)
ki = 5.05E-3; %Internalization rate (in 1/s)
kc = 5E-3; %Circulation uptake rate (in 1/s)
Rtot = 1.85E-6 ; %initial receptor concentration (in receptors/mm^3)
r = Cmn0/tr*(t<=tr) + 0*(t>tr);
C_mn = C(1);
C_ecm = C(2);
C_rec = C(3);
C_circ = C(4);
C_cells = C(5);
dCdt = [-r;
r - ((ka * C_ecm) * (Rtot - C_rec - C_cells)) + (kd * C_rec) - (kc * C_ecm);
((ka * C_ecm) * (Rtot - C_rec - C_cells)) - ((kd + ki)* C_rec);
kc * C_ecm;
ki * C_rec];

Answers (1)

Alan Stevens
Alan Stevens on 17 Apr 2021
Like this?
opts = odeset('stats','on');
C0 = [6.21E-6, 0, 0, 0, 0]; %Initial Values (umol)
tspan = 0:0.125:4400; %Time span
[t, C] = ode15s(@fn, tspan, C0, opts); %Solving ODEs in Function (fn
21 successful steps 0 failed attempts 37 function evaluations 1 partial derivatives 6 LU decompositions 27 solutions of linear systems
C_mn = C(:,1);
C_ecm = C(:,2);
C_rec = C(:,3);
C_circ = C(:,4);
C_cells = C(:,5);
plot(t,C_mn,t,C_ecm,t,C_rec,t,C_circ,t,C_cells),grid on, grid minor
%ylim ([0 7E-6])
%xlim([0 4000])
xlabel('t (in s)'),ylabel('C (in \mumol/mm^3')
function dCdt = fn(t, C)
%Constant Parameters
Cmn0 = 6.21E-6; %Initial conc at the MN (umol/MN)
tr = 1.8E3; %release period (s)
ka = 5E6; %Association rate (in 1/s)
kd = 5E-4; %Dissociation rate (in 1/s)
ki = 5.05E-3; %Internalization rate (in 1/s)
kc = 5E-3; %Circulation uptake rate (in 1/s)
Rtot = 1.85E-6 ; %initial receptor concentration (in receptors/mm^3)
r = Cmn0/tr*(t<=tr) + 0*(t>tr);
C_mn = C(1);
C_ecm = C(2);
C_rec = C(3);
C_circ = C(4);
C_cells = C(5);
Csum = C_rec + C_cells;
if Csum>=Rtot, Csum = Rtot; end
dCdt = [-r;
r - ((ka * C_ecm) * (Rtot - Csum)) + (kd * C_rec) - (kc * C_ecm);
((ka * C_ecm) * (Rtot - Csum)) - ((kd + ki)* C_rec);
kc * C_ecm;
ki * C_rec];
The condition you put, seems correct. Then why isn't I am getting the similar graph to what I have shown? Any idea?

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