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Simulink Practice To Get Started

10 views (last 30 days)
I am fairly new to Matlab Simulink and have been searching for some good exercise problems. Matlab exercises are plenty, but I have not any good practise for Simulink. Can anyone point me in the right way ?
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Accepted Answer

Meghna Chatterjee
Meghna Chatterjee on 14 Apr 2021
Hi Jiyon,
We do have MATLAB and Simulink onramp training available, which has several exercises to help you familiarize yourself with using the products.
Our 'Getting Started with Simulink' documentation page may help you as well, as it provides access to many examples and sample models for you to work with.
Lastly, there are also several books we recommend that have theory, real-world examples, and exercises using MATLAB, Simulink, and other MathWorks products.

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