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% parse arguments
params = {2, 0.7, 10, 8e-4, 1e-2, 'quadprog'};
i = ~cellfun(@isempty, varargin);
params(i) = varargin(i);
[tau0, tau1, delta_knot, alpha, gamma, solver] = deal(params{:});
n = length(y);
y = y(:);
% bateman ARMA model
a1 = 1/min(tau1, tau0); % a1 > a0
a0 = 1/max(tau1, tau0);
ar = [(a1*delta + 2) * (a0*delta + 2), 2*a1*a0*delta^2 - 8, ...
(a1*delta - 2) * (a0*delta - 2)] / ((a1 - a0) * delta^2);
ma = [1 2 1];
% matrices for ARMA model
i = 3:n;
A = sparse([i i i], [i i-1 i-2], repmat(ar, n-2, 1), n, n);
M = sparse([i i i], [i i-1 i-2], repmat(ma, n-2, 1), n, n);
% spline
delta_knot_s = round(delta_knot / delta);
spl = [1:delta_knot_s delta_knot_s-1:-1:1]'; % order 1
spl = conv(spl, spl, 'full');
spl = spl / max(spl);
% matrix of spline regressors
i = bsxfun(@plus, (0:length(spl)-1)'-floor(length(spl)/2), 1:delta_knot_s:n);
nB = size(i, 2);
j = repmat(1:nB, length(spl), 1);
p = repmat(spl(:), 1, nB);
valid = i >= 1 & i <= n;
B = sparse(i(valid), j(valid), p(valid));
% trend
C = [ones(n,1) (1:n)'/n];
nC = size(C, 2);
% Solve the problem:
% .5*(M*q + B*l + C*d - y)^2 + alpha*sum(A,1)*p + .5*gamma*l'*l
% s.t. A*q >= 0
if strcmpi(solver, 'quadprog')
% Use Matlab's quadprog
H = [M'*M, M'*C, M'*B; C'*M, C'*C, C'*B; B'*M, B'*C, B'*B+gamma*speye(nB)];
f = [alpha*sum(A,1)'-M'*y; -(C'*y); -(B'*y)];
[z, obj] = quadprog(H, f, [-A zeros(n,length(f)-n)], zeros(n, 1), ...
[], [], [], [], [], optimset('Algorithm', 'interior-point-convex', ...
'TolFun', 1e-13));
%z = qp([], H, f, [], [], [], [], zeros(n,1), [A zeros(n,length(f)-n)], []);
obj = obj + .5 * (y' * y);
elseif strcmpi(solver, 'sedumi')
% Use SeDuMi
U = [A, sparse(n,nC), -speye(n), sparse(n,n+nB+4); ...
M, C, sparse(n,n+2), -speye(n), sparse(n,2), B; ...
sparse(1,2*n+nC), 1, sparse(1,n+nB+3); ...
sparse(1,3*n+nC+2), 1, sparse(1,nB+1)];
b = [sparse(n,1); y; 1; 1];
c = sparse([n+nC+(1:n), 2*n+nC+2, 3*n+nC+4], ...
1, [alpha*ones(1,n), 1, gamma], 3*n+nC+nB+4, 1);
K = struct('f', n+nC, 'l', n, 'r', [2+n 2+nB]);
pars.eps = 1e-6;
pars.chol.maxuden = 1e2;
z = sedumi(U, b, c, K, pars);
obj = c' * z;
%objd = b' * s;
l = z(end-nB+1:end);
d = z(n+1:n+nC);
t = B*l + C*d;
q = z(1:n);
p = A * q;
r = M * q;
e = y - r - t;

Answers (1)

Cris LaPierre
Cris LaPierre on 20 Feb 2021
Edited: Cris LaPierre on 20 Feb 2021
Based on what you've shared, you are trying to take the length of a variable that doesn't yet exist (y). That would give a different error, though, so perhaps you've left something out?
I suggest also sharing the entire error message (all the red text).
thankyou for your response but how to write the code to pass in values of y for my samples?
Cris LaPierre
Cris LaPierre on 16 Mar 2021
Walter already showed you how to do this.
You should really read though the page I linked you to. The examples show you how to write a function, and then how to use that function.

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