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Adding delay to a boolean signal

3 views (last 30 days)
Sarim Zuhair Haider
Sarim Zuhair Haider on 17 Feb 2021
Answered: Sabin on 21 Jan 2024
Hi. So Im currently working to control the switching process of a full bridge system. I need to delay the resulting boolean signal by a factor of Ts/2 (where Ts is the time period of the converter [equal to 1/(200e3)]) . I have tried delay block, and transport delay but none seems to work.

Answers (1)

Sabin on 21 Jan 2024
If the model is running in fixed-step discrete using sample time Ts then it would not be possible to delay the signal by Ts/2. The solution would be to make the sample time as small as needed to capture the required delay.
If the simulation is done in continuous time variable step you have to check that the min step size is small enough to capture the delay.


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