How to fix error in Simulink / ADAMS co-simulation: "Could not connect to ADAMS server"?
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I am running co-simulations with Matlab/Simulink and ADAMS and am having problems. For some reason, I have started getting the following error about 90% of the time when running simulations:
Error reported by S-function 'adams_plant' in 'climber_main_model/adams_sub/ADAMS Plant/S-Function': Could not connect to ADAMS server
I can't figure out what the problem is, as I can open up ADAMS by itself with no trouble. I am able to connect to the licencing server too, because our license expires soon and a command window pop up and informs me of such (I wouldn't get this if it wasn't connecting at all, or else how would it know anything about the expiration date of the license?) Does anyone know how I can fix this? It's very frustrating!
Arnaud Miege
on 4 Feb 2011
This would probably be more appropriate on an ADAMS forum, since the S-function interface between Simulink and ADAMS is not provided by MathWorks. They should be able to help.
on 4 Feb 2011
I'm not sure how the block actually connects to the ADAMS server, but if it uses something like TCP/IP, you could probably use a packet sniffer like WireShark to compare what kind of network traffic patterns are present when you successfully connect and what kind of patters are present when you can't. It might be a network issue, as opposed to something specifically in Simulink or ADAMS, and this that would be a good next step to iron it out.
Accepted Answer
Chris Zirker
on 8 Feb 2011
1 Comment
Pouya Jamali
on 14 Jul 2011
thank you very much,your answer was helpfull,now I have a problem with autotuning pid parameters in an adams & simulink co-simulation model !when i click on tune in pid controller block ,see this message :
linearization failed: The plant model in the PID loop linearizes to zero, and therefore cannot be used in PID controller design. This problem occurs when one or more blocks in the PID loop have zero gain or the feedback loop is not physically closed. Click "Continue" to launch the PID Tuner and obtain a new plant model in the "Obtain plant model" dialog. Click "Cancel" to return to the PID Controller block dialog. how can i solve it?
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