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How can I get the value from an inner callback function to an outer function?

4 views (last 30 days)
I have a problem using GUI programming and callback functions in Matlab I have made a slider which is connected to an edit box, so that you can enter a value in the edit box and it will automatically change the value of the slider. It also does the reverse. I then want a push button which closes the figure window and returns the value of the slider, which I call ‘value’ in my function. But I can’t seem to figure out how to get the ‘value’ from the inner callback function to the outer function ‘slider’, so I can use it in my main script.
Can you tell me how to do? My function looks like this:
function value = slider
f = figure('Visible','off','Color','white','Position',...
[360, 500, 300, 300]);
minval = 0;
maxval = 100;
value = 0;
slhan = uicontrol('Style','slider','Position',[80,170,100,50],...
hmintext = uicontrol('Style','text','BackgroundColor','white',...
hmaxtext = uicontrol('Style','text','BackgroundColor','white',...
hsttext = uicontrol('Style','text','BackgroundColor','white',...
huitext = uicontrol('Style','edit','Position',[230, 182.5, 30, 30],...
hbutton = uicontrol('Style','pushbutton','String','Continue',...
'Position',[100, 50, 100, 50],'Callback',@callbackfn);
function value = callbackfn(source,eventdata)
if source == slhan
value = get(slhan,'Value');
elseif source == huitext
value = str2num(get(huitext,'String'));
if value > maxval
value = maxval;
elseif value < minval
value = minval;
elseif value >= minval && value <= maxval
value = get(slhan,'Value');

Answers (1)

Babak on 10 Apr 2013
creates a parameter a in the caller function and assigns 20 to it.
does the same to the base workspace of MATLAB.
Michael on 14 Apr 2013
Okay, I see. However I still can't manage to make it work The assignin function should assign a value from the callback function to a variable in the the main function.
In the Command Window I can see that the value of the assigned variable changes when I use the slidebar.
But whenever I call the slider function from my main script I still get the value 0.
And the evalin function always tell me that the variable from the second input argument in evalin('caller',variable) doesn't exist even though it should be defined.
Babak on 15 Apr 2013
read the example I wrote above where I used assignin and evalin very carefully. You are probably making a mistake.. for example one typical mistake using these functions is that is your variable name is var1, you need to use assignin and evalin using 'var1' and not var1. In other words you need to use the char type of your double type variable.

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