Simulink System Object forces hardcoded size for reshape function.

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I'm trying to implement a SRRC filter and simlink throws the common unknown size for right hand at the reshape function when output_size is a precomputed constant. I have to explictly write the number (e.g 21600) for it to work. Why? How is it properly done?
%% Common functions
function setupImpl(obj, ~)
% Perform one-time calculations, such as computing constants
obj.output_size = [obj.l*obj.interpolation_factor 1];
function tx_filtered = stepImpl(obj, x, coefficients)
%output_size = obj.l*obj.interpolation_factor;
i_tx_tmp = repmat(real(x), 1, obj.interpolation_factor); % Upsampling
i_tx_interpol = reshape(i_tx_tmp', obj.output_size);
  1 Comment
Uday Pradhan
Uday Pradhan on 5 Jan 2021
Edited: Uday Pradhan on 5 Jan 2021
Hi Eduardo,
May be you could share your code so that we can debug it on our end? Or at the very least attach a screenshot of the entire error that you are facing. That way you can get better responses. Thanks!

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