Can you simulate the following article?(Only the first formula: malaria epidemic dynamics) article name: Control of malaria outbreak using a nonlinear robust strategy with adaptive gains

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Can you simulate the following article?(Only the first formula: malaria epidemic dynamics)
article name: Control of malaria outbreak using a nonlinear robust strategy with adaptive gains
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 30 Dec 2020
Some things like still look to be missing, and it has not been clarified whether the derivative is with respect to t or not.
is still not defined. It needs to be defined before we can be certain that it is possible to use ode45.
Knowing the exact values of the constants such as is not important to answer the question asked, which was whether I could simulate that formula. I offerered an extra answer as well, namely that you could simulate the system using ode45() . I recommend you read the documentation on that.

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Answers (1)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 1 Jan 2021
P.R_h = rand; %unknown value, unknown unit
P.t = randn() * 10; %unknown value, unknown unit
P.lambda_h = 0.2; %per day
P.kappa = 0.7902; %per day
P.Beta_m = 0.8333; %probability
P.u_h = 0.00004; %per day
tspan = [0 10];
Sh0 = rand; %unknown initial condition
[x, Sh] = ode45(@(x,Sh)Sh_fun(x,Sh,P), tspan, Sh0 );
plot(x, Sh);
function dS_h = Sh_fun(x, S_h, P)
dS_h = P.lambda_h + P.kappa .* P.R_h - (1-u_1(P.t)).*P.Beta_m .* S_h - P.u_h .* S_h;
function u1t = u_1(t)
u1t = sin(t*7*pi).^2 - exp(-t); %function u_1 is not defined so make something up
Notice that the t being passed to u_1 has nothing to do with the integration: it is just some parameter whose value you did not specify. t is not the variable of integration of S_h -- if it were then there would have had to have been a in the definition of
af af
af af on 19 May 2021
Edited: af af on 19 May 2021
How to implement Ehd in Simulink as shown below?
Eh0=200, Ehf=0, a=0.055, t=100,
Where is the problem in Simulink below?

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