why is there an error in line 13 of my coding ?

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%Matlab cache clearing commands
clc; %clears command window
clear all; %clears workspace variables
close all; %closes all external matlab windows
%input starts here
Hte=100; %Base Station Height between 30 m and 1000 m
Hre=10; %Mobile Station Antenna Height between 1 m and 10 m
d =[1,10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,100]; %distance from base station between 1Km and 100Km
f=200:900; % MADE AN ARRAY FROM f %Frequency between 150Mhz and 1920Mhz
Amu = 18; %Median attenuation
Kcor =9; %Correction factor
Lfsl = 10*log((((3*10^8)./f)).^2)/((4*pi)^2)*d^2; % finding free space loss
Ghte = 20*log(Hte/200); % Base station antenna height gain factor
Ghre = 20*log(Hre/3); % Mobile station antenna height gain factor
Ghre = 10*log(Hre/3);
L = Lfsl+Amu-Ghte-Ghre-Kcor; % formula for path loss
disp(L) %prints the Loss Array
% plot of Loss (dB) vs Distance for surburban
figure(1) %Enables the figure
plot(f,L); %versus plotting command
title('Distance vs Loss (dB) for suburban for Okumura Model'); %title of the plot
xlabel('Distance(Km)'); %label for X-axis
ylabel('Propagation Path loss(dB)'); %label for Y-axis
grid on; %Enables Grid feature in plot
% 50
% 5
% 10
% [200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100]
% [20.4 20.45 20.5 20.55 20.6 20.65 20.7 20.75 20.8 20.85]
% [23 24 25 25.5 26 27 27.5 28 28.75 29]

Answers (2)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 26 Nov 2020
Lfsl = 10*log((((3*10^8)./f)).^2)/((4*pi)^2).*d.^2; % finding free space loss

Alan Stevens
Alan Stevens on 26 Nov 2020
In addition to Walter's correction, note that f and d contain a different number of elements, so element by element operations will also fail.

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