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Gas Turbine Temperature Calculation

10 views (last 30 days)
Mike on 6 Feb 2013
Commented: Peter Vella on 22 Jun 2019
Hi all,
I am trying to create a matlab program which replicates the exhaust gas temperature (EGT) generated by a gas turbine aero engine. Just wondering if anyone has completed a similar project and would be willing to offer some advice/guidance regarding the equations and coding.
Many thanks
beharomar on 3 Jan 2017
Edited: beharomar on 3 Jan 2017
In the above link ( a master thesis) in which you will find a detailed modeling of the gas turbine at nominal conditions. PLease do you have any model at part load (off-design ) conditions. Best Regdards
Peter Vella
Peter Vella on 22 Jun 2019
Dear Omar,
Tried to download the noted thesis but seems it is not available anymore. Can you refresh the link please?

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Answers (2)

Ryan G
Ryan G on 6 Feb 2013
The Aerospace Toolbox has an example of heat transfer in a Ramjet which may get you started. You may also be interested in picking apart the turbofan engine from the Aerospace Blockset.

beharomar on 3 Jan 2017
In the above link ( a master thesis) in which you will find a detailed modeling of the gas turbine at nominal conditions. PLease do you have any model at part load (off-design ) conditions. Best Regdards

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