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Matlab no longer running scripts

85 views (last 30 days)
Heather on 4 Feb 2013
Answered: Charles Kluepfel on 14 Jul 2023
I have been using my current version of Matlab for months, (R2011a), and I was using it no less than 20 minutes ago, and now it won't run. I push the run button, and nothing happens or changes. It was working, then all of a sudden it stopped for no reason.
Thank you, Heather
Heather on 4 Feb 2013
I have tried restarting MATLAB, restarting computer. I don't get any kind of error because it doesn't even attempt to run my code. I can write all the code I want, I just can't seem to get it to run. I just tried publishing the code, and it still doesn't work. I also just noticed there aren't any ">>" in my Command Window to work with either.

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Answers (5)

Brittany Morison
Brittany Morison on 21 Apr 2016
Check if it's running an infinite loop. and press control c to stop that.
That's what was happening to me when i couldn't run my code
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André Francisco
André Francisco on 13 Feb 2017
I had the exact same problem and tried that, and now it works. I also typed control v, (dont know if it helped in any way, im kind of a noobie still). But yup, same problem, and now its fixed. ty

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Azzi Abdelmalek
Azzi Abdelmalek on 4 Feb 2013
Close your Matlab session, then reopen it
Heather on 4 Feb 2013
I tried that, even tried restarting computer
Azzi Abdelmalek
Azzi Abdelmalek on 4 Feb 2013
Then re-install Matlab

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Christopher Gomez
Christopher Gomez on 28 Jun 2018
Edited: Christopher Gomez on 28 Jun 2018
I got the very same problem. The code was running like a charm a minute ago, and then nothing... and when you run and go to the next part of the code, it does so, but it does not spill any result anymore... just weird... (Version 2017)

Mostafa Youssef
Mostafa Youssef on 20 Sep 2019
Try to change the name of script.m file. This happens if you have 2 files with the same name.

Charles Kluepfel
Charles Kluepfel on 14 Jul 2023
I had the same problem. To fix it I closed Matlab and restarted it.
But a temporary workaround is just to save the .m file and then run it by typing the name in the command window.


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