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Change scale of second y-axis on figure

2 views (last 30 days)
Eric Escoto
Eric Escoto on 29 Sep 2020
Answered: Cris LaPierre on 30 Sep 2020
I have a figure with two axis, one of which is inverted. The inverted axis needs to be compressed in the y direction so the bars do not ovelap.
Here's my current code, and the figure result is attached.
%% Plot of summary table vs month/day AVERAGES for study period (Jul 2019 to Sep 2020) SUMMER
fig1 = figure; % Summer Precip
hAxes(1) = subplot(2, 1, 1);
yyaxis left
bar(1:height(P2SFL_P_DSsummerperiod_summarytable),P2SFL_P_DSsummerperiod_summarytable.mean_Var1, 'FaceColor', 'blue')
axis ij
ylim([0 10])
hold on
yyaxis right
bar(1:height(P2SFL_KE_DSsummerperiod_summarytable),P2SFL_KE_DSsummerperiod_summarytable.mean_Var1)%, 'FaceColor', 'black')
% Decide how many ticks you want. This does every 10 rows (10 days if none missing)
tick_idx = 1:7:height(P2SFL_KE_DSsummerperiod_summarytable);
% Label ticks with month and day (e.g., "July 1")
xticklabels(string(P2SFL_KE_DSsummerperiod_summarytable.Month(tick_idx))+" "+P2SFL_KE_DSsummerperiod_summarytable.Day(tick_idx))
% Angle ticks at 45 degrees for easier reading when closely packed
title('CBBG-SFL, Mesa, AZ')%, 'FontSize', 15)
%ylim([0 15])
%xlabel('Month and Day')
hAxes(2) = subplot(2, 1, 2);
yyaxis left
bar(1:height(P2JER_P_DSsummerperiod_summarytable),P2JER_P_DSsummerperiod_summarytable.mean_Var1, 'FaceColor', 'blue')
axis ij
hold on
yyaxis right
bar(1:height(P2JER_KE_DSsummerperiod_summarytable),P2JER_KE_DSsummerperiod_summarytable.mean_Var1) %, 'FaceColor', 'black')
% Decide how many ticks you want. This does every 10 rows (10 days if none missing)
tick_idx = 1:7:height(P2JER_KE_DSsummerperiod_summarytable);
% Label ticks with month and day (e.g., "July 1")
xticklabels(string(P2SFL_KE_DSsummerperiod_summarytable.Month(tick_idx))+" "+P2SFL_KE_DSsummerperiod_summarytable.Day(tick_idx))
% Angle ticks at 45 degrees for easier reading when closely packed
title('JER, Las Cruces, NM')%, 'FontSize', 15)
%ylim([20 30])
% Give common xlabel, ylabel and title to your figure
linkaxes(hAxes, 'x');
%xlim([1 92])
%xlabel(han,'Month and Day');
%title(han,'Las Cruces International Airport, Summer Season (2001-2020)');
sgtitle('Daily Average Precipitation and Kinetic Energy, Summer Season (2019-2020)')

Answers (1)

Cris LaPierre
Cris LaPierre on 30 Sep 2020
Use the ylim function to set the yaxis limits.

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