polyfit semilogy

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Nicolas on 21 Apr 2011
I'm trying to find the fractal dimension of a range of data, but I'm sruggling looking for a way of finding the best range of data in a bigget set of data, which will fit the best regression line in semilog.
do i have to try every possibilitie,
and so on.. or is there easiest way?
Thank you for your help
Andrew Newell
Andrew Newell on 22 Apr 2011
What are X and Y?
Nicolas on 24 Apr 2011
for example
X= 1500:500:7000
Y= 4 15 30 59 96 151 214 291 380 480 598 741
I've tried to take out the points with the highest residuals, but it doesn't work very well. I need to truncate my data from the ends towards the middle to find the best fit, instead of taking out the middle point to make the regression line better.

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Answers (2)

bym on 21 Apr 2011
do you mean stepwise regression?
doc stepwise() % assuming you have statistics toolbox
  1 Comment
Nicolas on 22 Apr 2011
hi, do you think stepwisefit would be better in my case?
I'll work on that, both sounds interesting ways!

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Andrew Newell
Andrew Newell on 22 Apr 2011
If X vs Y is a box count plot, you could calculate a local scaling exponent.


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