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Viewing the tree used for prediction by the method of "RUSBoost' in fitensemble

1 view (last 30 days)
I have a question in regard to viewing the Tree from the fitensemble function. I am using 'RUSBoost' as the method. I can see that there are 1000 trees in the cell called Trained since I set nlearn to be a 1000. So these 1000 trees are the weak learners if I am not mistaken. But then where is the strong learner that was gotten using these weak learners? In other words, where is the tree that is actually used for prediction? How can I see that tree?
Thank you for your help.

Accepted Answer

Ilya on 18 Jan 2013
The strong learner is the ensemble. An ensemble is a collection of trees. It predicts by averaging predictions from individual trees. This average is weighted. You can get the weights from the TrainedWeights property of the ensemble object.
artsci4 on 30 Jan 2013
I have another question related to this. Among all the machine learning algorithms provided in the MATLAB toolboxes, is fitensemble the only algorithm that allows the input of a cost function?
Ilya on 31 Jan 2013
Please open new threads for new questions.
ClassificationDiscriminant, ClassificationTree and ClassificationKNN accept the cost matrix as well.

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