Controller VFH Ranges and Angles - How do I get the same sized inputs from ROS Topic '/scan'?

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I have been playing with my demo and I followed a tutorial in MatLab for ControllerVFH using a script. Now I am attempting to duplicate this in Simulink to no avail.
  • I have a TurtleBot3 with Lidar running
  • I can see the topic in Simulink
So looking at the ControllerVFH block it needs the Ranges which I assume means all the distance readings from each angle as the Lidar spins. In my case, I have a 360 degree Lidar. So again, I assume the size of this input is 360. Next, in my MatLab FCN block I am attempting to take the AngleMin, AngleMax and AngleIncrement and create an input for Angles that should be equally matched in size to Ranges.
function angles = fcn(AngleMin, AngleMax, AngleIncrement, numRanges)
if numRanges > 0
angleMin = double(AngleMin);
angleMax = double(AngleMax);
angleIncrement = double(AngleIncrement);
assert(numRanges < 360);
for ii=1:numRanges
angles(ii) = double(angleMin) + double(ii-1)*(angleIncrement);
angles = 0;
When I run this simulation however, I get an error:
A runtime error occurred in the block 'LidarScan/Vector Field Histogram' during simulation.
Caused by:
Expected inputs 'ranges' and 'angles' to have the same number of elements.
Error in validateLaserScan.m (line 27)
'shared_robotics:validation:SizeMismatch', rangesArgName, anglesArgName);
Error in validateLidarScan.m (line 37)
Error in VectorFieldHistogram.m (line 35)
Error in VectorFieldHistogramBase.m (line 292)
This has been a two day struggle fest. Does anyone have an idea what I am doing wrong?

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