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how can I convert a matrix to an array

218 views (last 30 days)
I have a matrix say, A=
1 8 4 6
2 1 7 5
8 3 3 9 .
I need the elements in an array called B like B=[1 8 4 6 2 1 7 5 8 3 3 9].
Please help me.
  1 Comment
José-Luis on 16 Jan 2013
Edited: José-Luis on 16 Jan 2013
Repeated question:
How did the answer you were given not solve your problem. Instead of asking a new question please explain what you actually want.
Please accept an answer if it helped you.

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Accepted Answer

Thorsten on 16 Jan 2013
Edited: Thorsten on 16 Jan 2013
B = A';
B = B(:)';
  1 Comment
Berk Kucukoglu
Berk Kucukoglu on 18 Feb 2022
This worked for me, therefore I upvoted. Thank you.
However, I don't understand why it works. And is it always guaranteed to work between updates? Like, is this a bug or a feature? :)

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