Clear Filters
Clear Filters

Matlab function which convolves a one dimensional signal with a one dimensional filter

1 view (last 30 days)
Write a Matlab function which convolves a one dimensional signal with a one dimensional filter. The resulting signal should have the same length as the original signal. Choose a boundary condition which you think is appropriate and state it in your report. Matlab has routines which can do this job, e.g. “conv”. You should not use those routines, write your own version of it. You may use those for checking your code, e.g. comparing your results and results from Matlab. Print out your Matlab code.

Answers (1)

Pratyush Roy
Pratyush Roy on 3 Sep 2020
The following code snippet defines a function for 1D convolution:
function z = conv1D(x,y)
l = length(x);
z = zeros(2*l-1,1); % For 2 sequences of length 'l', the full convolution length is '2*l-1'
for i=0:(2*l-2)
temp = 0;
for j=0:l-1
if (i-j>=0 && i-j<=l-1)
temp = temp+x(i-j+1)*y(j+1);
z(i+1) = temp;
%Consider the sub-sequence in the middle of the original sequence
if mod(l,2)==0 %If l is an even number
z = z((l/2+1):(3*l/2));
else %if l is an odd number
z = z((l+1)/2:(3*l-1)/2);
The output is same as that obtained from the command:
You can refer to the following documentation for further help:


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