How to speed up this script

2 views (last 30 days)
Bram Surewaard
Bram Surewaard on 31 Aug 2020
Answered: Vidhi Agarwal on 10 Dec 2024
I am reading data from a text file using the following script:
for i = 1:2:length(Data);
Data2(i).H0_SoundSpeed = typecast(uint32(hex2dec(cell2mat(Data{i,1}(1,65:68)))),'single');
Data2(i).H0_Points = hex2dec(cell2mat(Data{i,1}(1,135:136)));
Data2(i).R0_SectionName = convertCharsToStrings(char(hex2dec(Data{i,1}(1,137:138))));
Data2(i).R0_ScalingFactor = typecast(uint32(hex2dec(cell2mat(Data{i,1}(1,141:144)))),'single');
Data2(i).A2_SectionName = convertCharsToStrings(char(hex2dec(Data{i,1}(1,657:658))));
Data2(i).A2_AngleFirst = typecast(uint32(hex2dec(cell2mat(Data{i,1}(1,661:664)))),'single');
Data2(i).A2_ScalingFactor = typecast(uint32(hex2dec(cell2mat(Data{i,1}(1,665:668)))),'single');
Data2(i).I1_ScalingFactor = typecast(uint32(hex2dec(cell2mat(Data{i,1}(1,1209:1212)))),'single');
Data2(i).A2_AngleStep(1) = 0 ;
for j = 1 : Data2(i).H0_Points ;
factor = Data2(i).H0_SoundSpeed * Data2(i).R0_ScalingFactor / 2 ;
Data2(i).R0_Range(j) = factor * hex2dec(cell2mat(Data{i,1}(1, (2*j+143):(2*j+144))));
Data2(i).A2_AngleStepTemp(j) = hex2dec(cell2mat(Data{i,1}(1, (2*j+691):(2*j+692))));
Data2(i).A2_AngleStep(j) = Data2(i).A2_AngleFirst + (sum(Data2(i).A2_AngleStepTemp(1:(j)))*Data2(i).A2_ScalingFactor);
Data2(i).I1_Intensity(j) = Data2(i).I1_ScalingFactor * hex2dec(cell2mat(Data{i,1}(1, (2*j+1211):(2*j+1212))));
Data2 = rmfield(Data2, 'A2_AngleStepTemp' );
It is not the most efficient way of reading it in but it works, however it is a bit slow.
I was wondering if anybody has some tips on how I can speed it up.

Answers (1)

Vidhi Agarwal
Vidhi Agarwal on 10 Dec 2024
To improve the performance of your MATLAB script, try considering given optimization:
  • Preallocation: Preallocating memory for structures and arrays can significantly enhance performance by reducing the need for MATLAB to dynamically resize data structures during execution.
  • Vectorization: Replace loops with vectorized operations where possible.
  • If a calculation is repeated within a loop but yields the same result each time, try computing it once before the loop and store it in a variable.
Below is the revised version of the code with above consideration:
% Preallocate the Data2 structure array with the anticipated size
Data2(length(Data)/2) = struct('H0_SoundSpeed', [], 'H0_Points', [], 'R0_SectionName', [], ...
'R0_ScalingFactor', [], 'A2_SectionName', [], 'A2_AngleFirst', [], ...
'A2_ScalingFactor', [], 'I1_ScalingFactor', [], 'A2_AngleStep', [], ...
'R0_Range', [], 'A2_AngleStepTemp', [], 'I1_Intensity', []);
% Iterate over Data with a step of 2
for i = 1:2:length(Data)
dataRow = Data{i,1}; % Extract the data row once to avoid repeated indexing
% Extract and convert values
Data2(i).H0_SoundSpeed = typecast(uint32(hex2dec(dataRow(65:68))), 'single');
Data2(i).H0_Points = hex2dec(dataRow(135:136));
Data2(i).R0_SectionName = convertCharsToStrings(char(hex2dec(dataRow(137:138))));
Data2(i).R0_ScalingFactor = typecast(uint32(hex2dec(dataRow(141:144))), 'single');
Data2(i).A2_SectionName = convertCharsToStrings(char(hex2dec(dataRow(657:658))));
Data2(i).A2_AngleFirst = typecast(uint32(hex2dec(dataRow(661:664))), 'single');
Data2(i).A2_ScalingFactor = typecast(uint32(hex2dec(dataRow(665:668))), 'single');
Data2(i).I1_ScalingFactor = typecast(uint32(hex2dec(dataRow(1209:1212))), 'single');
% Preallocate arrays for the loop
numPoints = Data2(i).H0_Points;
Data2(i).A2_AngleStep = zeros(1, numPoints);
Data2(i).R0_Range = zeros(1, numPoints);
Data2(i).A2_AngleStepTemp = zeros(1, numPoints);
Data2(i).I1_Intensity = zeros(1, numPoints);
factor = Data2(i).H0_SoundSpeed * Data2(i).R0_ScalingFactor / 2;
angleFirst = Data2(i).A2_AngleFirst;
angleScale = Data2(i).A2_ScalingFactor;
intensityScale = Data2(i).I1_ScalingFactor;
% Calculate values in a loop
for j = 1:numPoints
rangeIndex = 2*j + 143;
angleStepIndex = 2*j + 691;
intensityIndex = 2*j + 1211;
Data2(i).R0_Range(j) = factor * hex2dec(dataRow(rangeIndex:rangeIndex+1));
Data2(i).A2_AngleStepTemp(j) = hex2dec(dataRow(angleStepIndex:angleStepIndex+1));
Data2(i).A2_AngleStep(j) = angleFirst + sum(Data2(i).A2_AngleStepTemp(1:j)) * angleScale;
Data2(i).I1_Intensity(j) = intensityScale * hex2dec(dataRow(intensityIndex:intensityIndex+1));
% Remove temporary field
Data2 = rmfield(Data2, 'A2_AngleStepTemp');
Hope this Helps!


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