How to save some values from one vector to another

1 view (last 30 days)
I have 2 files and I saved them in one vector:
clear all
t1=D1(:,1); A1=D1(:,2);
t=D(:,1); A=D(:,2);
In this case Af will be a 1004 X 1 vector.
Now if I want to save all values between 0 and 0.05 in Af in another vector; how should I do that ?
I know I have to do it in a for loop but I failed. Can anyone help me ?
  1 Comment
Stephen23 on 17 Aug 2020
"In this case Af will be a 1004 X 1 vector. "
Given that each of the files contains 5002 rows, I suspect you mean that Af will have 10002 rows.

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Accepted Answer

Stephen23 on 17 Aug 2020
Edited: Stephen23 on 17 Aug 2020
"I know I have to do it in a for loop but I failed."
Why do you need to use a loop? The MATLAB way is to use simple logical indexing:
Af = [A1;A];
idx = Af>=0 & Af<=0.05;
new = Af(idx)
Basic MATLAB concepts, like how to use indexing, are introduced here:

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