How to display minimum vaue of a Surface z-axis.

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I have drew a trisurf with 100 values in each x,y and z variable, and I want to display the least 10 data values of z on the surface over the location of the points .

Answers (2)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 21 Dec 2012
Edited: Image Analyst on 21 Dec 2012
sortedValues = sort(z(:), 'ascend');
fprintf('%f\n', sortedValues(1:10));
Use text() if you want to display some message above the data point.
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Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 21 Dec 2012
Edited: Image Analyst on 21 Dec 2012
I noticed your attempt at using text below:
text(Xmin+xgap, Ymin+ygap, Zmin+zgap);
like I suggested, but where is the message you want to display? You didn't supply it. Try creating a message like I said:
message = sprintf('Zmin=%.2f', Zmin); % Create string for the Zmin point.
text(Xmin+xgap, Ymin+ygap, Zmin+zgap, message);

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Matt Kindig
Matt Kindig on 21 Dec 2012
Edited: Matt Kindig on 21 Dec 2012
You can do this using text() function. Something like this:
%Xval, Yval, and Zval are your MxN matrices used to make the surface.
Zmin = sort(Zval(:), 'descend'); %sort z decreasing
Zmin = Zmin(1:10); %10 smallest z values
pos = ismember(Zval, Zmin); %location of Z values
Xmin = reshape(Xval(pos),[],1);
Ymin = reshape(Yval(pos),[],1);
xgap = 1; ygap = 1; zgap = 1; %adjust to get desired spacing of label from point.
text( Xmin+xgap, Ymin+ygap, Zmin+zgap);
Matt Kindig
Matt Kindig on 21 Dec 2012
Edited: Matt Kindig on 21 Dec 2012
Or maybe I misunderstood your question. Are you asking how to plot these points? In that case, just use plot3():
hold on;
plot3( Xmin, Ymin, Zmin, 'o');
Afz on 21 Dec 2012
I just want the numeric values used to plot the surface be printed over those z points. Data labels of z over each point. I used your code it gives following error.
??? Error using ==> text String argument expected after 2 or 3 numeric arguments
Error in ==> FILENAME at 23 text(Xmin+xgap, Ymin+ygap, Zmin+zgap);
I am using this code
if true
holdState = ishold;
Xval = xlsread('a.xlsx',1,'A1:CV1');
%Defining y
Yval = xlsread('a.xlsx',1,'A2:CV2');
%Defining z
Zval = xlsread('a.xlsx',1,'A3:CV3');
tri = delaunay(Xval,Yval);
h1 = trisurf(tri, Xval, Yval, Zval);
set(h1, 'FaceColor', 'g')
xlabel('Granular Rutting B4');
ylabel('Fine Rutting B5');
hold on;
iamlegend = legend('1');
Zmin = sort(Zval(:), 'descend'); %sort z decreasing % code
Zmin = Zmin(1:10); %10 smallest z values
pos = ismember(Zval, Zmin); %location of Z values
Xmin = reshape(Xval(pos),[],1);
Ymin = reshape(Yval(pos),[],1);
xgap = 1; ygap = 1; zgap = 1; %adjust to get desired spacing of label from point.
text(Xmin+xgap, Ymin+ygap, Zmin+zgap);
if ~holdState,
hold off;

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