How to read some data from a text file

1 view (last 30 days)
I have a text file like this:
#Parameters = {a=12.4; b=0.6; d=18; f_design=10; f_max=15; f_min=5; g=1; h=7.5; lambda=30; phi=0; react=-10000; theta=0}
#"Frequency / GHz" "S1(1),1(1) (react=-10000) [Re]" "S1(1),1(1) (react=-10000) [Im]" "Ref.Imp. [Re]" "Ref.Imp. [Im]"
10.000000000000 0.14429999628736 0.016848571131779 73.000000000000 0.00000000000000
#Parameters = {a=12.4; b=0.6; d=18; f_design=10; f_max=15; f_min=5; g=1; h=7.5; lambda=30; phi=0; react=-8000; theta=0}
#"Frequency / GHz" "S1(1),1(1) (react=-8000) [Re]" "S1(1),1(1) (react=-8000) [Im]" "Ref.Imp. [Re]" "Ref.Imp. [Im]"
10.000000000000 0.14004838730771 0.019270257352017 73.000000000000 0.00000000000000
I would like to read just the data that does not start with a " # ", therefore I would like to read:
10.000000000000 0.14429999628736 0.016848571131779 73.000000000000 0.00000000000000
10.000000000000 0.14004838730771 0.019270257352017 73.000000000000 0.00000000000000
How can I do that? because I cannot use the option of jumping the header due to the fact that those three lines that start with a # are repeated along all the file before the data I am interested in.
Thank you so much in advance,

Accepted Answer

Star Strider
Star Strider on 9 Jul 2020
Use the textscan function:
fidi = fopen('TestFile20200709.txt','rt')
Datac = textscan(fidi, '%f%f%f%f%f', 'CommentStyle','#', 'CollectOutput',1)
Data = cell2mat(Datac)
Data =
10.000000000000000 0.144299996287360 0.016848571131779 73.000000000000000 0.000000000000000
10.000000000000000 0.140048387307710 0.019270257352017 73.000000000000000 0.000000000000000
Defining the lines that begin with ‘#’ as comments tells textscan to ignore them.
I have also attached the file I created to test this code.
Arthur Roué
Arthur Roué on 10 Jul 2020
Much more elegant than my solution, didn't know we can do that with textscan !
Star Strider
Star Strider on 10 Jul 2020
I learned much about MATLAB by participating in Answers, some of which involved my learning the many options textscan offers. I doubt I would have discovered them otherwise.

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More Answers (1)

Arthur Roué
Arthur Roué on 9 Jul 2020
Edited: Arthur Roué on 9 Jul 2020
Here one way to do this :
% File path
FilePath = fullfile(pwd, 'MyFile.txt');
% Open the file
FileID = fopen(FilePath, 'r');
if FileID == -1
% End of function because file couldn't be opened
error('File "%s" couldn''t be opened.\n', FilePath)
% Read all the lines
cLines = cell(1e4,1); % Pre-allocation
strLineInFile = fgetl(FileID); % 1st line
idxLine = 1;
while ischar(strLineInFile)
cLines{idxLine} = strLineInFile;
% Get next line
strLineInFile = fgetl(FileID);
idxLine = idxLine + 1;
% Shorten the pre-allocated cell
nbLines = find(~cellfun(@ischar, cLines), 1, 'first') - 1;
cLines = cLines(1:nbLines);
% Detect line starting with '#'
vb = ~cellfun(@(line) strncmp(line, '#', 1), cLines);
% Convert data to numeric value
Values = cLines(vb);
% Values are separated with horizontal tab (\t)
Values = cellfun(@(line) str2double(strsplit(line, '\t')), Values, 'UniformOutput', 0);
Values = vertcat(Values{:});
Be aware that :
- any line starting with anythig but # will be interpret as data (and will be convert to numeric value)
- your separator on a line between value is a tab
If you change you text format, you'll have to adapt this script.

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