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How to get the coefficients from FDA Tool block (Simulink) using Matlab Command?

3 views (last 30 days)
Is it possible to extract the coefficients from FDA Tool block (Simulink)to Matlab workspace using Matlab Command? For a special reason, I would not like to use Menu => File => Export. I can use get_param to get value from most of blocks but not FDA Tool.
Also, is it possible to set the parameters of the FDA Tool block (Simulink) from Matlab. For example, - Response Type = Low Pass - Design Method = FIR - Window - Filter Order = 10 - Options = Window = Hann - Frequency Spec = Fs = 48k, Fc = 10k ?
Again, set_param would do in most blocks but FDA, I could not.
Fangjun Jiang
Fangjun Jiang on 15 Apr 2011
I can't find it. What version of Matlab are you using? What is the full name of the block?

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Accepted Answer

Rob Graessle
Rob Graessle on 15 Apr 2011
If you right-click on the Digital Filter Design block (FDATool block) and 'Look Under Mask', you will see that the block contains a Digital Filter block. Do a get_param(gcb, 'ObjectParameters') on this block and you will be able to see the coefficients.
I do not think it is possible to use set_param to change the FDATool values from MATLAB.
Kaustubha Govind
Kaustubha Govind on 15 Apr 2011
To add to Rob's answer: fdatool is supposed to be an interactive MATLAB GUI, which is basically invoked by the FDATool block. Since the GUI itself does not directly correspond to a block, you cannot perform set_param and get_param on it. However, you can generate MATLAB code from the given parameters (File->Generate MATLAB Code), and then change parameters there to change filter coefficients.
Raymond Le
Raymond Le on 15 Apr 2011
Thank you very much. Working with Matlab/Simulink for period of time but I still do not know this under mask.
By the way, the returns value is string, I can use str2num to convert the answer to vector, however, it rounds the answer to certain digits. I could use format long or longeng to fix but still not all digits are showed.

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