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Saving multiple outputs from ODE45 with different dimensions?

6 views (last 30 days)
I have written an ODE45 function inside a for loop with an event where it stops at a zero-crossing. I have creating a variable that is three-dimensional and saves the output each iteration in the for-loop. The issue is that each iteration, the dimension of the output is different as each flags the stop condition at a different number of steps.
How can I save a changing variable size in one variable?
The code is,
counter_minus = 1;
for n=2:k
options=odeset('RelTol',1e-13,'AbsTol',1e-22,'Events',@(t,y) Xcrossing(t,y));
[t_out,xU_out]=ode113(@(t,y) DifferentialEquation(t,y),tspan,y0,options);
XU_OUTPUT(:,:,counter_minus) = xU_out;

Answers (1)

J. Alex Lee
J. Alex Lee on 21 Jun 2020
I would use cells...also what's with the dual indexing? options can be defined outside since nothing is changing from iteration to iteration
% define outside the loop since nothing is changing
% AbsTol = 1e-22 < eps, is this realistic?
options=odeset('RelTol',1e-13,'AbsTol',1e-22,'Events',@(t,y) Xcrossing(t,y));
% pre-allocate
XU_OUTPUT = cell(k-1,1);
for counter = 1:(k-1)
% presumably something is changing with iterations...otherwise it's the same thing over and over again?
[t_out,xU_out]=ode113(@(t,y) DifferentialEquation(t,y),tspan,y0,options);
XU_OUTPUT{counter} = xU_out;

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