Simple PV array block

7 views (last 30 days)
Salma Al abri
Salma Al abri on 19 Jun 2020
Answered: Anmol Dhiman on 25 Jun 2020
Hello guys,
I am working on an on-grid PV system and I need to simulate the power flow of the system. Because my simulation goal and very specific to just getting the output of the PV array I want a simple block theat can receive an input (Irradiation & Temperature) and the out put power connected to the grid. I tried different array blocks but are too complicated for my project. Any help or Ideas will be grateful.
Thanks a lot in advance...

Answers (1)

Anmol Dhiman
Anmol Dhiman on 25 Jun 2020
Hi Salma,
Refer to ML Answer, PV Array on the same topic.
Anmol Dhiman


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