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Voxelise STL files using mesh voxelisation

26 views (last 30 days)
Zehra Ese
Zehra Ese on 17 Jun 2020
Commented: Zhihao Wei on 5 Jul 2023
Hi, I would like to voxelise a 3d mesh constuction (STL file), which works very well with the mesh voxelisation from the file exchange ( This program is able to voxelise the imported STL file in a given grid, which is definable by the user in three dimensions [gridX,gridY,gridZ]. The voxelsize in this way is defined by the STL model size and the given number of voxels. I would like to define the voxelsize by myself, fo example 1mm and the number if voxels for each dimension should be adjust to the model size. For example the model is a cube with the dimension of 3x4x5 mm. With a cubic voxelsize of 1 mm, we would get 3 voxels in X direction, 4 voxels in Y direction and 5 voxels in Z directeion, respectively. Is there a way to do like this?
Jan Marxen
Jan Marxen on 11 Apr 2021
If you found something like that please tell me. Thank you
Zhihao Wei
Zhihao Wei on 5 Jul 2023
I am also looking for stl2voxel matlab code, pls let me know.

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