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Dummy Variables in non linear regression models

6 views (last 30 days)
Hello everybody!
i am quite a beginner in matlab and also in general in analyzing data and creating models.
Anyway I want to create a non-linear model that best fits my data.
ln Y= B0+B1X1+B2X2+ B3X3+Errorterm
It is suggested to work with the fitnlm function but I also have categorical variables and the documentation under Non linear Regression says :
"You cannot use categorical predictors for nonlinear regression. A categorical predictor is one that takes values from a fixed set of possibilities."
So can I create dummy variables so that I can use my categorical variables in my non linear regression model? Or what are other ways to create such a model?
Thanks for the answer and help

Answers (1)

Apurvi Mansinghka
Apurvi Mansinghka on 19 Jun 2020
Hi Dominik,
I understand you want to handlecategorical variable with nonlinear regression function fitnlm.
You can use dummyvar(group) function to get numeric representation for any categorical variable.
Suppose there is a dataset with a categorical variable 'Colours' that can take any of 3 values {'Red','Blue','Green'}
The dataset has 6 rows with following value for 'Colours':
Colours = {'Red';'Blue';'Green';'Red';'Green';'Blue'};
1.Create a dummy variable 'D' for the categorical variable
D = dummyvar(Colours)
This gives the following result :
D = 6×3
0 0 1
1 0 0
0 1 0
0 0 1
0 1 0
1 0 0
The columns in D correspond to the levels in Colours. For example, the first column of dummyvar corresponds to the first level, 'Blue', in Colours.
2. Now each column of D is a variable in your regression.
Create a non-linear model function with the additional variables
modelfun= @(k,x)(k(1)*x(:,1)+k(2)*x(:,2)+k(3)*x(:,3))...
3. Set the parameter beta0 and create the model using fitnlm
beta0 = [-50 500 -1 500 -1];
mdl = fitnlm(tbl, modelfun, beta0)
Prefer to go through the tips section of the below link to understand best practices to handle categorical predicators with dummyvar:
  1 Comment
Dominik Gautschy
Dominik Gautschy on 21 Jun 2020
Alright, it helped!I can work with this!Thanks for helping!

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