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Query regarding depth of 3-D points

3 views (last 30 days)
Ampi on 13 Nov 2012
I have a query.Say I have a 3D surface where each point has a depth. Can you please provide the matlab code to find the normal depth of the point which has the highest z coordinate OR can you please provide me with the matlab code to find the highest depth of the 3D surface.Any help regarding this would be appreciable .
Ampi B
José-Luis on 13 Nov 2012
What's the normal depth?
What's wrong with the max() function?
doc max
Jan on 13 Nov 2012
@Ampi: Could you please post what you have tried so far and explain which problems occurred? Then suggestion for improvements are much easier. Please note, that without code we do not have a chance to know, what "I have a 3D surface" exactly mean. This could mean a physical object, or data stored in an ASCII-file, an STL file or a 3D Cell-array. In consequence guessing what you could want is an inefficient strategy. So itÄs your turn to provide more details.

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