regions of interest on 3D dataset

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I've got some 3D medical data (128x128x128) in a GUI. I'd like to be able to manually draw ROIs on about 25 of the images and use these for segmentation purposes. Firstly, is there a way I could draw the ROIs for each image sequentially, and secondly after all 25 ROIs have been manually drawn, go back and adjust any ROI vertex if necessary?
My current attempt involved using a togglebutton to store the positions of the ROIs while stepping through the dataset while the togglebutton is switched "on" (I used a while loop as I may want ROIs on 23 images, or 28 images, may not always exactly 25) but is failing miserably. This is my callback:
function segmentation_togglebutton_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
flag = get(hObject,'Value'); %this =1 when toggle button is "on"
i = handles.current_im;
last = handles.total_im;
while flag==1
imshow(images(:,:,i),[], 'InitialMagnification', 'fit')
position = wait(h);
i = i+1
if flag==0 %i.e. toggle button is switched "off"
Thanks Jim

Accepted Answer

Sean de Wolski
Sean de Wolski on 30 Oct 2012
Edited: Sean de Wolski on 30 Oct 2012
The problem is that the Toggle Button Callback does not stop the execution of the loop because the flag is never checked.
What you want to do is have the togglebutton callback throw away 'off' calls and 'enable' 'on' calls but have enabled check on each iteration if it's still on. The English on this isn't very clear I know! so here is the pseudocode
function tglbutton_callback(blha,blah)
if 'off'
while get(hObject,'value')
%check on each loop iteration if it's on
Consider this example function:
function example_togglin
hF = figure;
hTb = uitoolbar(hF);
hTg = uitoggletool('oncallback',@cb,'parent',hTb,'cdata',repmat(magic(16)./16^2,[1 1 3]));
function cb(src,evt)
cnt = 0;
while strcmp(get(src,'State'),'on') && cnt<20
cnt = cnt+1;
disp(['I''m on!!! Iteration: ' num2str(cnt)])
Save this as example_togglin.m and run it.
Jim O'Doherty
Jim O'Doherty on 31 Oct 2012
Edited: Jim O'Doherty on 31 Oct 2012
Thanks, much appreciated. I managed to edit your code in my program and understand how its working. For the benefit of others (who like me may not have used this option before), I have placed
hTg = uitoggletool('oncallback',@cb,'cdata',repmat(magic(16)./16^2,[1 1 3]));
in my opening function and
function cb(src,evt)
handles = guidata(src);
cnt = 1;
start = handles.current_im;
last = handles.total_im;
while strcmp(get(src,'State'),'on') && cnt<(last-start)
position = getPosition(h);
elsewhere in the script.
Just a final question Sean, after I press the toggle button to switch off the impoly feature, the loop requires me to draw one final impoly. Is it possible to add another check after the image is displayed (using imshow) but before impoly is called to see if the button is still on? i.e. if button is not still on then don't call impoly
Sean de Wolski
Sean de Wolski on 31 Oct 2012
I supposed you could have the 'offcallback', explicitly grab the handle to the IMPOLY object, which you would need to store, and delete it or do whatever with it.

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