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Selecting from database using multiple conditions (SQL)

1 view (last 30 days)
Hi everyone,
How can I fetch data from the database with multiple conditions that tend to change in my loop.
For example, for one this is what i do
ProjectName = XXX;
a = strcat('''', ProjectName, '''');
curs = ['SELECT ID from Table1 WHERE ProjectName =',a]; cursVessel = fetch(conn,curs);
Now if I want the ID numbers where my ProjectName = XXX, and Country = YYY; How can I do that?. My project name and country would change within a loop that's why I can't say
curs = ['SELECT ID from Table1 WHERE ProjectName =''XXX'' and Country = ''YYY''']; cursVessel = fetch(conn,curs);
Thank you in advance,
If any clarifications is needed, please let me know.

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