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How can I interactively move the line in 3d

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Tomislav on 20 Oct 2012
Answered: Prashanth Prakash on 18 Jan 2024
So I would like to plot a line with 2 taken points in 3d space. Then it would be cool if I could take one end point of the line and drag it elswhere in 3d space, so the line gets the new direction, orientation, and(or) size.
Thank you for your time.
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Matt J
Matt J on 7 Nov 2012
In retrospect, I don't really see how this would be possible. You can only move your mouse 2 dimensionally, so how would you be able to translate this into 3 degrees of freedom spatial positions?

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Answers (2)

Matt J
Matt J on 20 Oct 2012
  1 Comment
Tomislav on 24 Oct 2012
Thank you for your effort. Function is amazing but for 2d manipulation of objects. If I could only find the way to modify it for 3d...
Thanks anyway. :)

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Prashanth Prakash
Prashanth Prakash on 18 Jan 2024
I realize this is a really old thread but I spent an embarassing amount of time trying to figure out how to do this, thought I would share it in case someone else stumbles on this problem -
I was able to modify draggable to work for 3d objects as well. I have only tested it out with no constraints, i.e. draggalbe_3d(obj,'n'), it seems to work as expected. Code attached.


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